
Engage, Teach and Inspire with MASTERA

Host and manage live classes

Lo más Importante
  • Host and Manage live classes
  • Integrate it with ZOOM
  • Build your own responsive WEBSITE
  • Engage your customers with SMS and EMAIL

This is USEFUL for:

Teaching with all the tools you need to host and manage live classes, videos, programs, subscriptions, customers, and even your website.

A platform that can do it all for a business is a must have. Especially in the education space. I am going to talk about some of the features of a platform that can help businesses in this space and how it is different from other platforms on the market that are also geared towards education.

Managing the entire process of booking and delivering content in one place, with the ability to accept class bookings, manage class rosters and waitlists, and much more!

This platform has been designed to be used by anyone with an idea for teaching, whether they are just starting out or have been doing it for years. It is built for both educators and students.

With this platform, educators can host live classes, manage marketing, processes payments and more all from one unified experience so their focus can remain on what’s important – teaching!


Class calendar

While online learning still dominates the e-learning landscape, live classes are gaining traction. It is a great way for organisations to engage with their target audience and offer them the “aha” moments they need. Live classes also offer a sense of interactivity and spontaneity which can create a more authentic experience.


  • Hosting and managing live classes on a unified video experience platform is an efficient way to organise events and manage customer relationships.
  • Design your own branded, white-labeled website to create a seamless experience for your customers online.
  • Integrate with Zoom, so you can run your virtual classes on Zoom with an auto-sync of unique links for each session.
  • Build your website using pre-designed modules, so you’ll have a beautiful, user-friendly website that’s mobile-responsive in a matter of minutes.
  • If you already have a website, the you can integrate Mastera with embeddable widgets for your class calendar, on-demand video library, programs, and appointment bookings.
  • Build recurring plans or charge one-time payments.
  • Engage your customers with text and email messaging.
  • Keep your customers engaged with class reminders and automated email and SMS notifications.


Fitness home page with website builder


Payment plan options


Mastera unified web and mobile inbox

Mastera makes getting paid flexible with one-time payments, subscriptions, installments, and pay-as-you-go plans.
Stay connected with your customers and website visitors through Mastera’s unified inbox!



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